Social Charity Farming Herbals Co-operatives General Eminence Book store Divas

We Give You The The General Success And Blessing and Peace of Mind In Your Business

About Us

We Are a Powerful Modern Team in Renovating

BLACKTIGER is a service organization born out of the need to build up people financially and spiritually all across the globe to the point of experiencing high quality life in all areas. BLACKTIGER is international, originated from Nigeria in West Africa, now spreading across the world, The founder, a person of Dr AYO BELLO, is a great guidance, a great counselor and a great spiritualist, who has accumulated wisdom, knowledge and power in many spiritual and financial kingdoms and have experienced different kinds of connections spiritually and financially all over the world Together with your cooperation we believe we can bring a change to the quality of lives of our members.
We believe that knowledge is a potential power, it really becomes power when positively utilized. We have skill acquisition program and other training to develop our members, we also have cooperative banking to help members stable financially, we encourage agricultural and educational projects. We have Humanitarian service, Trade/ skills acquisition, income opportunity and financial empowerment.
In BLACKTIGER of wealth, whether you are looking for personal development, Richies, Fame, power, properties and others that you can pass to your next generation, becoming our member will see you through your journey of freedom. We have a vision to help our members achieve their dream in life.
BLACKTIGER acknowledge the dedication, commitment and hard-work of its member and rewards them handsomely to further inspire them to excel in their dreams.


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Always give without remembering and always receive without forgetting

What we do

We assist the poor and the needy in our society, develop and establish practices that will bring about sustainable growth and development.

proactive and responsive commitment to the sustainable development needs of the vulnerable and the needy.

We always identify with:
Elderly people,
helpless, vulnerable, women, children, poor orphan, poor
widow, physically challenged people, victims of man made/ natural disasters.


Blacktiger herbals

where your physical and spiritual growth matters to us

We will always Ensure we engage in activities, spiritual and physical that will eradicate poverty and make lives convenient for people for people by empowering our members spiritually, economically, mentally and financially to move up to the next level in life.

  • Vision

    Vision: To assist the poor and the needy in our society, develop and establish practices that will bring about sustainable growth and development.

  • Mission

    Mission: proactive and responsive commitment to the sustainable development needs of the vulnerable and the needy.



For you to be a Member of the Blacktigers ,You have to possess the following:

You Must be Consistent

Consistency should be our watchword

You Must be a Donor

To be in this Organisation,You must be ready to spend your money,Ideas,Time to help others especially trhe needy


You must be disciplined both spiritually,Physically,mentally and emotionally


The Constitution and Bylaws of Black Tigers of Wealth (BN 3027824)

Inasmuch as it is the highest duty of man to so order his life that his Creator may call it good and humanity may be the better for his having lived

  • Feature List

    The Constitution and Bylaws of Black Tigers of Wealth Table of Contents

  • Key Features

    Article I Purpose, Scope and Governing Law

  • Purpose

    The purpose of Black Tigers of Wealth (the “Tigerians”), shall be to establish, maintain, govern, improve and promote the welfare of a member “Tigerians”

Let’s shine the dream with
our Divas


Join us to impact more in our society


We are not what we know but what we are willing to learn


If you say charity begins at home, you mean that people should deal with the needs of people close to them before they think about helping others


we demonstrated a willingness to take ownership of problems and work to solve them

24/7 Priority Support

We Support anyway we can

Get In Touch With Us

Office Phone Number

+234-8060665074, +234-8162731965, +234-8032347574, +2348067001674

Company Ofice Address

Black Tigers Headquarters Bishop House Bishop Street, Kajola Atakumosa West Osun State, Nigeria

Office Email Address

We Give You The The General Success And Blessing and Peace of Mind In Your Business



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